One century ago, Henriëtte van den Bergh commissioned the design and building of her own museum. Now it's your turn. You decide whether you want to paint or wallpaper and which works of art will be hung on the wall. In short: you design your own museum together with your (grand)parents. Have fun using lots of different materials and create your dream museum!
After the workshop you can join your child(ren) in discovering the museum and its magnificent collection.
Practical information
Workshop ‘Make your own museum’
- Saturday 29 March: 11am, 1pm and 3pm
- Saturday 19 April: 10am and 1pm
- Wednesday 23 April: 2pm and 3.30pm
- Duration: approximately 40 minutes
- Hof van Arenberg: Lange Gasthuisstraat 21, 2000 Antwerp (the corner building beside the museum)
- Price: €8 (including entrance ticket to the museum). Buy a ticket for both your infant(s) and yourself.
The workshops will be given by Line from Congé Bricolé.